What are the main points of cultivation and management of azalea?

The growth and development of Rhododendron requires strict soil and environmental conditions. Except for wild rhododendrons, edulis, and some species of summer pods, they can be planted under conditions suitable for sheltering in the South. Usually, they are planted in the north and south for potted plants.

The soil azaleas are shallow root, sour and sour flowers. The roots must be fine and silky. They are distributed on the upper layers of the potted soil. Therefore, the most important are the sticky and alkaline soils. Acid culture soils must be used regardless of breeding or planting. In the south, black mud or red mud is mostly used, and in northern Dandong, larch humus is used. In Beijing, half of the turfgrass soil and plain sand were used, and a small amount of rot leaf soil and manure were added for a period of time. A small amount of family support, commercially available Clivia culture soil smash fine three-billion surface sand planting, planting pots should not be too deep, should be based on the size of the plant selection of good permeability tile pots. Pots and soil change are not allowed.

Water and fertilizer Rhododendrons like slightly acidic water, use tap water to dry for a day or two or replace the water with aquarium, if necessary, add a few drops of vinegar. Usually watered in the right amount, often keeping the basin moist, not long-term wet. Before the arrival of the rainy season, depending on whether the air is drenched or dry, spray water twice a day or more on the foliage and surrounding environment, and find that the leaf margin is scorched and the leaves are yellow. A 1/500 ferrous sulfate aqueous solution or a diluted retort should be timely watered. Grass water. During the growing season, they often use hemp sauce residue. Organic fertilizers require full maturity and thin fertilizers. In the spring, summer and autumn seasons, shading should be maintained. Shading density should be adjusted according to weather conditions and temperature.

Management of potted surface shattered tile tiles can prevent the incidence of shallow root burns and mold splashes. At the end of the fall, move into the cold room or the low-temperature room for winter and require sufficient light. If you enter the high temperature room, you can flower in advance from New Year's Day to the Spring Festival. Rhododendron leaves are clustered at the top of lateral branches and a new shoot is drawn after the flower buds. After the top leaf clusters of the new shoots are expanded, the top buds begin flower bud differentiation, preparing for flowering the following year, and the lower internodes of the branches have weak germination power, so they are generally not used. Strong pruning, if not to reproduce, do not cut short. Rhododendrons grow slowly, and if the pottings are not alkalized, it is not necessary to pour every year.

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