Efficient cultivation of eggplant, lettuce and broccoli

In Nanjing area, the author explored and researched the effective cultivation pattern of early spring eggplant, summer autumn lettuce, autumn winter broccoli, and was suitable for the application of new and old vegetable bases in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Early spring eggplant sowing in mid-late October, planting in late February to early March in the second year, harvesting from the beginning of May to the beginning of July; summer and autumn lettuce sowing in mid-June, planting in mid-July, late August to September Harvested in the middle and early; autumn and winter broccoli sowing nursery from the end of July to the end of August, planting from the end of August to mid-September, harvesting from mid-late November to the second year in February. The annual egg production per acre in early spring is 4,000 kilograms, the output value is 6,000 yuan, the output of summer and autumn lettuce is 2000 kilograms, the output value is 2,000 yuan, and the output of broccoli in autumn and winter is 1500-2000 kilograms, and the output value is 4,000 yuan. The total output value per mu is as high as 12,000 yuan and net income is more than 8,000 yuan. Early spring eggplant varieties choose to use early-maturing, low temperature and low light resistance, strong resistance to disease resistance, in line with the market consumption habits of black light long rod-shaped or long strip eggplant varieties, such as black pheasant, black long dragon, long wild wolf, bright long and so on. Field management Early eggplant cultivation of eggplant generally uses “house + small shed + plastic film” multiple coverage. After planting, it is less ventilated (7 days or so) before mild seedlings, and the temperature is 28 to 32°C during the day and 15-18°C at night. The minimum temperature is stable above 15°C and the shed is not closed at night. When the temperature is above 30°C, the shed film is removed and the sunshade net is covered. Immediately after planting watering, after easing the seedlings, apply urea 3 kg and 25% eggplant fruit compound fertilizer 15 kg per acre. Appropriate water control seedlings before flowering, improve ground temperature, and promote root development; door tomato sits 8-10 days after the combination of topdressing fertilizer poured a water, apply 25% per acre solane fruit compound bile 20-30 kg. In order to improve the early yield, it is necessary to timely pruning. In early spring cultivation, the double stalk pruning method is mainly used to remove old leaves and diseased leaves in time. When the growth is too prosperous, some functional leaves of the base are removed to reduce nutrient consumption. The varieties of summer and autumn lettuce are selected from early-maturity, high-temperature-tolerance, seizure-resistant, disease-resistant and stress-tolerant lettuce varieties that meet the local market's consumption, such as Italian heat-resistant and pickled lettuce, American fast-growing lettuce, and four-season oil wheat. Lettuce and so on. Field management lettuce is hi wet, requiring a large amount of fertilizer, and the full growth period requires a sufficient supply of fertilizer and water. After 5-7 days of planting, the seedlings should be irrigated once every 5 to 7 days, and a small amount of available nitrogen fertilizer should be topdressed. After every 5-7 days, water should be poured. After 15-20 days, 15-20 kg of compound fertilizer should be applied per acre with watering. Topdressing excrement, watering can not be excessive. In the summer, lettuce is cultivated, and areas with conditions should be covered with sheds or planted under melon beans. The varieties of broccoli in autumn and winter are selected from middle and late-maturing, high-yielding, strong cold-resistant, fine-grained, good-quality, and disease-resistant varieties, such as excellent, green ridge, plum green 90, holy green, late green, Mandala and so on. Field management broccoli like fertilizer water, timely fertilization and watering is the key to achieve high yield. Water and fertilizer management should follow the principles of promoting and controlling the middle and back. Each time before the growth, the persimmon urine water of 1250-1500 kg or urea 8-10 kg will be applied per acre and the topdressing will be 2-3 times. During the formation of flower bulbs, heavy fertilizers are applied, 25-30 kg of compound fertilizer is applied per acre, and appropriate amounts of magnesium, calcium, sulfur, and boron fertilizers are added, and combined with cultivator. Into the harvesting period, apply fertilizer once after each harvest, applying 15-20 kg of compound fertilizer per acre. The broccoli needs a large amount of water, especially in the formation of flower bulbs should be timely irrigation, keep the soil moist, timely drainage in the rainy season, so as not to cause rot.

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