Which seafood tonic effect

Mentioning omega 3 fatty acids may not be very clear to many people. However, a large number of studies have shown that it is good for the heart, but also enhances memory and improves mood. This fatty acid, especially EPA and DHA, is most common in fish oil. Most methods are supplemented by eating deep-sea fish oil capsules. However, the best way to add omega 3 fatty acids is to eat. Take a look at the following, the five kinds of seafood with the most omega 3 fatty acids, use them to "make up", the effect is better than fish oil capsules. First place, sardines. Slim silvery fish can be eaten fresh, dried or smoked, marinated, etc., tomato sardines, onion sardines are very delicious. Each ounce (85 grams) contains 1950 mg omega 3 fatty acids. Second place, salmon. Small scales with small thorns, orange-red flesh, which are delicate and delicious fish, is a classic of raw fish. Wild salmon contains more omega 3 fatty acids, which is 1060 mg in 3 ounces. Third place, tuna (canned). The tuna's fish is purple in color and similar in color to beef. Heme content is high, low fat and high protein. Tuna is often used for stuffing, making noodles, and mixing salads. Every 3 oz contains 900 mg omega 3 fatty acids. In the fourth place, mussels, also known as mussels, are delicious and rich in various amino acids. They can be fried, mixed and souped. Each 3 oz contains 700 mg of omega 3 fatty acids. Fifth place, rainbow trout. China's output is larger, its color is lighter than that of salmon, and its taste is more brittle. The most common way to eat is to bake, stew, burn, etc. You can also make sashimi. Each 3 oz contains 630 mg omega 3 fatty acids.

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