What is the most nutritious lettuce?

According to Chen Linsheng, senior nutrition catering staff at Beijing’s Great Hall of the People, lettuce is rich in nutrients. Its fiber and vitamin C are more than cabbage, which has the effect of eliminating excess fat. In addition to raw food, fried lettuce, but also with garlic, oyster sauce, tofu, mushrooms with the speculation, different combinations, lettuce is not the same as the effect.

Stir-fried lettuce has the efficacy of lettuce itself, such as analgesic hypnosis, lower cholesterol, adjuvant treatment of neurasthenia, diuretic, promote blood circulation, anti-virus and so on.

In addition to the function of deep-fried lettuce, garlic lettuce has the functions of sterilization, anti-inflammation, and hypoglycemic effect, and it can even supplement the brain. Lettuce is rich in vitamins and has the effect of preventing gum bleeding and vitamin C deficiency. Garlic has the effects of detoxification, stagnation, and stomach-building, and has a certain therapeutic effect on abdominal cold pain, dysentery, diarrhea, tuberculosis, whooping cough, cold, and malaria.

In oyster sauce lettuce, oyster sauce is not oily, but when cooking oysters (also known as oysters), the remaining broth is cooked. After the soup is filtered and concentrated, it is oyster sauce. It is a flavoring ingredient with many nutrients and delicious taste. Therefore, besides lowering blood fat, lowering blood pressure, lowering blood sugar, promoting mental development, and anti-aging effects, Emu-oil lettuce can also diurete, promote blood circulation, resist viruses, and prevent and treat heart disease and liver disease.

Lettuce and nutritious tofu with food, it is a high-protein, low-fat, low-cholesterol, multi-vitamin dishes, with liver and gallbladder, nourishing yin and kidney, whitening the skin, lose weight bodybuilding role. It also has a certain therapeutic effect on eyes and throat, hyperactivity, cough, diabetes, spleen, and bloating. The mushroom is rich in proteins that are easily absorbed by the body, and it has spleen and replenishing qi, moistening and phlegm, and strong nourishing. Efficacy, and edible with lettuce, hot cough, expectorant, chest tightness, vomiting and diarrhea have a certain therapeutic effect.

Chen Linsheng said that from the therapeutic effects of the dishes, the stir-fried lettuce is not as good as the oyster sauce lettuce and lettuce fried mushrooms. Although the nutritional value of lettuce fried tofu is high, but for gout patients, it should be cautious, because tofu contains more purine substances. The oyster sauce lettuce, lettuce fried mushrooms than the garlic lettuce is more suitable for public consumption, therapeutic effects are better. For garlic lettuce, patients with eye diseases such as glaucoma and cataract should not be consumed regularly. Because garlic "long-term food injury liver damage eyes."

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