The key to prevention of diseases in winter shed vegetables is dehumidification

The main cause of vegetable diseases in greenhouses is high humidity. In winter, there are many rainy days and snowy weather, and there is a long time for sheds. It is very easy to form a high humidity environment within the shed. In winter, it is necessary to reduce the humidity of shed vegetables. Specific measures include:

Control watering. In winter, in order to reduce the humidity in the shed, it is necessary to reduce the number of watering and reduce the amount of watering. If you need watering during the growth period, you should pour small water and avoid flooding.

Cover no drip film. Due to the difference in temperature inside and outside the shed, condensation of the shed film is unavoidable. The surface of the common plastic film has a uniform distribution of condensation, and thus the dripping surface is large, and the air humidity is easily increased. The use of a non-drop film, although the condensation of the surface of the film, but the water droplets flow down the surface of the film, the surface of the drip is small, and has little effect on the air humidity.

Ridge cover film. The ridge cover film can maintain soil moisture, reduce water evaporation and reduce air humidity. Irrigation under the membrane can reduce the air humidity.

Closely planted. Density within the greenhouse should not be too dense to facilitate ventilation and reduce air humidity.

Strengthen cultivator loose soil. Before covering the mulching film after planting, timely cultivating loose soil after watering can reduce evaporation, maintain soil moisture, reduce the number of watering, and reduce air humidity.

Master watering time. Watering in the cold season should be performed on a sunny morning. Close the greenhouse immediately after the watering, increase the temperature, increase ventilation at noon and afternoon, and discharge moisture.

Reasonable ventilation. Under the premise of ensuring proper temperature, timely ventilation and discharge of moisture can effectively reduce the air humidity in the shed.

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