Qiaozhi potted flower pest 5 methods

Whole milk regulates niches: ticks can cause discoloration and wilting of bonsai plants. Mix 4 cups of flour and half a cup of whole milk in 20 litres of water, then filter with gauze and spray this liquid on the plants to kill the ticks and their eggs. Soapy liquid kills black flies: The use of soap can control a tiny black fly that breeds in bonsai soil. Soak the soap, add water and serve as an alkaline soap, then inject it into the pot to effectively kill the black fly. Detergents kill white flies: White flies often hide on the back of the leaves to suck leaf juice. At the same time, it can secrete a mucus that breeds a kind of bacteria on the mucus that can make the leaves gradually wither and slow the plants. Slowly died. Mix with 1 teaspoon of detergent and 4 liters of water and start spraying the leaves once every 5 days, then once a week, until the white fly is completely destroyed. Tobacco control maggots: first soak 2 or 3 cigarettes in a cup of water. When the water in the cup turns brown, add a little alkaline soap to use, and immerse the affected part of the plant in the medicine or spray it directly. On the plant. Beer kills snails: The beer is poured into a shallow dish and placed near the plant. The snail climbs into the dish and is drowned.

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