Spring flower cutting propagation technology

Site preparation: Under normal circumstances, the slotting bed can be made into a turtle shape with a length of 10 meters, a width of 1.2 meters, and a height of 0.3 meters. The bed soil must be finely crushed, which facilitates the cutting operation and drainage. At the same time, keep drainage ditches and sidewalks on both sides of the seedbed. Cuttings: Select the windless weather, cut the upper part of the crown, no pests, and robustly growing annual branches. The big tree cuts out the germinating branches at the base of the trunk and cuts it to a section of 12-15 cm. Generally, each cutting should have 2-3 plump shoots. The cuttings of coniferous trees such as Metasequoia and Cedar should have the best apical buds, and the lower incision of cuttings should be located 0.2-0.5 cm below the nodes or petioles, where the nutrients are concentrated, which is conducive to healing and rooting. Evergreen broad-leaved shrubs such as Cyclovirobuxine, Coral Tree, Sijigui, Bergamot, Camellia, etc. only retain the upper 2-4 leaves. For coniferous trees such as cedar, Podocarpus, etc., the lower blade of the cutting should be cut off, leaving only the upper needle or scale. Cut 100 wells into one hand and cut the lower incision with 500 mg ABT root powder for 1 kilogram soak for 10 seconds. Cuttings: The spacing of the rows is 810 cm, and the depth of the cuttings is 1/3-1/2 of the spike length. If the crop shoots are too thin, a hole can be stamped with a small bamboo stick, and the cuttings can be inserted into the hole. This can prevent the formation of the cut under the injury, which is beneficial to survival. After plugging, the cutting bed shall be sprayed with a fine hole watering can, and the base of the cutting must be closely connected with the soil so as to facilitate rooting as soon as possible. Management: After watering, the plastic film can be used to cover the insulation. When the minimum temperature exceeds 10°C, the film can be peeled off. During the rooting of the cuttings, spray water once every 1-2 days to keep the bed moist and find that the water in the ditch should be promptly removed.

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