High quality and high-yielding cultivation techniques of spring Yugua in early spring

Melon flesh is crispy and sweet, and it is a summer heat favorite for everyone in the summer season. The Yuki, a thick-skinned sweet melon cultivated by the Taiwan Farmers Company, is delicious and crispy, has a strong aroma, is sweet and not too greasy. It is also a high-end product in melons. After eating, it makes people feel thirsty, cool and comfortable, and has a long aftertaste. First, the variety Luluchun early greenhouse cultivation of thick skin melon "Yugu", from seed sowing to fruit maturity takes 120-125 days, seedling growth is slow, 8 leaves from the growing and growing, the results of strong, high and stable sugar, Up to 15%-17%. Peel white, fruit surface smooth, fruit blunt oval, pale green fruit, sub-cavity. About 40 days after flowering mature, single fruit weight of about 1.5 kg. The yield per mu is about 1500 kilograms, the output value is 7000-8000 yuan, and the net income is 3500-4000 yuan. Second, the cultivation facilities and coverage requirements for early spring cultivation requirements in the bamboo greenhouses or steel sheds, the width of the greenhouse suitable for 6-8 meters, length 40-50 meters. The film is covered with four layers of a greenhouse film, a middle shed film, a small arch awning film and a mulch film or a greenhouse film, a small arch awning film plus a straw mulch, and a mulch film. Third, the main cultivation techniques 1, nurturing strong (1) the appropriate early sowing spring planting mainly consider the local climate and greenhouse facilities can meet the melon growth and development of temperature conditions to determine the sowing date. In northern Zhejiang, under the condition of four-layer coverage, the sowing date is appropriate from late January to early February. (2) Nursery methods Early spring cultivation uses electrothermal seedbed nutrient crate substrate seedlings. Matrix formulation: peat, vermiculite, commercial organic fertilizer is fully mixed in a volume ratio of 4 to 1 to 1 and the nutritional specifications are 1010 cm. The advantages of matrix seedlings are loose ventilation, good drainage, fewer pathogens, and well-developed seedling root system. (3) Germination Seed sowing seeds first soaked with 50% carbendazim 500 times for 15-20 minutes, remove and wash, and then soaked in warm water at 55 °C for 10 minutes, stirring and cooling, soaking for 6-8 hours. Then wrap it in a wet cloth and germinate for 18-24 hours under the condition of 25-30°C. When the germ is exposed, it can be sown. Before sowing, the pods were soaked with water, sowing one seed per pod and then covering a 1.5 cm thick substrate. After the seeding is completed, the bed surface is covered with a film, the power is turned on, and a small arch film is buckled. (4) Seedling Management 1 Temperature Management: Seedbed management after sowing is mainly based on cold insulation. The seedling temperature is controlled by “two highs and two lows”. That is, the seedbed temperature during daytime is controlled at 25-30°C during the day and 17-20°C at night. Appropriate cooling is required after emergence to prevent leggy, during the day, the temperature is controlled at 22-25°C and nighttime at 15-17°C. After the first true leaf appears, it is slightly. Raise the temperature by 25-28°C during the day and 17-19°C during the night; plant the seedlings at low temperature before planting, 20-24°C during the day, and 14-16°C during the night. 2 Moisture management: Seedlings of the nutrient substrate are watered according to the degree of dryness and wetness of the substrate. Only when the substrate is too dry and the seedlings are slightly wilted, they are watered. Watering is usually performed on a sunny morning. 3Pest and disease control: Low temperature and rainy seedlings are susceptible to damping-off, and the prevention and control measures are spraying 75% of chlorothalonil wettable powder 600-800 times every 7-10 days to prevent disease. When the occurrence of damping-off occurred, it was sprayed with 600% anti-virus WP 600 times. There are locusts on seedbeds that should be controlled in time to prevent the spread of viral diseases. They should be sprayed with 10% imidacloprid WP 2000 times. 2. Fertilizer applied in early spring to cultivate under the condition of full-body basal fertilization, generally no fertilizer is needed during the entire growth period. The basal fertilizer is mainly organic manure. Generally, 2000 kg of organic fertilizer is applied per acre, and 25 kg of superphosphate, 12.5 kg of potassium sulfate, and 7.5-10 kg of urea are applied. Then prepare the earthworms. The width is 0.8 meters, the height is 0.2 meters, and the ditches are 1.0 meters. 3, planting methods and planting density Planting methods: thick-skinned melon greenhouse cultivation in order to improve greenhouse utilization and the appearance of fruit quality, - generally dominated by vertical cultivation. Planting density: The vertical planting density varies depending on the pruning method. “Yugu” is a large fruit type, with large leaves, and a large degree of petiole development. It is appropriate to use single vine pruning to grow 1200 plants per acre. Too dense. Otherwise, the air and light are poor, the disease is heavy, the fruit is small, and the yield is not high. 4, timely planting seedlings age 30-40, greenhouse 5-10 cm deep soil temperature stability above 13 °C, selected sunny planting. Therefore, greenhouses should be covered 15 days in advance of the greenhouse shed, 5-7 days before planting cover film, increase soil temperature. In order to prevent the roots of the nutrient substrate from being broken during planting, roots should be properly watered prior to planting. Immediately after planting, the mulch film is covered and compacted with soil on both sides, which helps to increase the soil temperature. Timely sealed greenhouses and small sheds, heat preservation, moistening and promoting seedlings. 5. Fertility management (1) Temperature management 1 Seedling management. Within 7 days after planting, greenhouses and small sheds are sealed. In case of severe cold and low temperature weather, coverings such as straw curtains should be placed on small arch sheds, and the temperature in the shed should be kept as much as possible to accelerate seedlings; Small sheds: During the day from 9am to 3pm, light can be removed from the small arch shelter film and covered in the evening. When the melons climbed and the night temperature in the greenhouse was not lower than 15°C, the small arch shelter was removed. Large boron: during the day when the temperature exceeds 32 °C ventilation and ventilation in time, sealed at night; 3 flowering period. At this point, it has entered the mid-to-late April. During the day, the temperature rises quickly and the temperature at night is still low. Management, the temperature during the daytime shed more than 35 °C ventilation and cooling, or poor pollination fertilization, the need to close the greenhouse at night, to maintain the temperature within the shed more than 15 °C; 4 fruit enlargement and maturity. 6 days after flowering, the fruit enlargement period begins. At this time, the temperature difference between day and night should be increased, which is conducive to nutrient transportation, sugar accumulation, increase of single fruit weight, and improvement of quality. (2) After the truss has been removed from the gantry, it shall be erected in time. Frame: Every 3-4 meters vertical - a bamboo column, and then pull the vertical wire into the shelf 14th, elevated 1.5 or so. The shelves should be firm to prevent later collapse. Hang the vine: Use a string to tie the base of the cucumis seedlings, hang them on the wire, and then wrap the vines. (3) Li Man pruning and vines in a timely manner to prevent the main vine from breaking or breaking and infecting the disease. Timely pruning is conducive to ventilation and light control diseases. Vertical cultivation generally adopts single vine pruning method to timely wipe the lateral buds in the main vine leafhopper. After the main cranberry grows 10 robust leaves, the three lateral branches within the 11 to 13 leaf position are the result branches, and the result is above and below the branch. The side branch - the law erased, the main vine leaves 30 leaves to pick up the heart, the result branch leaves 2 leaves topping. Wiping off the side branches and picking the heart to cause wound juice flow is the main route of infection of muskmelon. Therefore, it is better to wipe off the side branches and pick up the heart. It is better to pick up the wounds as early as possible and heal quickly. It should be done at noon on sunny days. After flowering, the old leaves of the base should be gradually removed to reduce consumption, improve ventilation, and control the occurrence of diseases. (4) Artificial pollination There are few insects in the spring greenhouse and artificial pollination is required. Artificial pollination should be carried out at 7-10 am. (5) Fruit lifting fruit “Yugu” varieties have better fruit quality per plant, generally when the size of fruit eggs, each plant chooses to leave a fruit with bright fruit and bright round skin. After fruit thinning, the hanging gourd can be tied with a nylon rope and the resulting branch can be lifted horizontally to facilitate the transportation of air, light, and nutrients. (6) Prevention of Pests and Diseases Early in the spring, cultivation of “Yugu” melons in greenhouses caused serious diseases. The main diseases were: blight, turfgrass, and bacterial spicules, especially the occurrence of bacterial blight was difficult to control. Control of bacterial blight: When it is found that there is mechanical damage on the stems and petioles and infection with bacterial blight, use 50% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder at a ratio of 1-10 by weight, adding clear water to reconcile to a more concentrated medicament, and use clean The drug is applied to the affected part of the brush, and the spraying effect of the combined leaf is better. Control of turfgrass: After colonization and results, roots were irrigated with 50% Duquexone WP 600 times. Bacterial spot disease prevention: sprayed with 5000 times streptomycin for agricultural use. The pests cultivated early in the spring include aphids and L. sativae. Locust control: In the early stage, the insecticide can be fumigated with aphid fumigant, and 10% imidacloprid wettable powder 2000 times can be used for spraying during the ventilation period. Liriomyza sativae control: sprayed with 48% of Le Siben EC 1000-1200 times or 5% Tiopar EC 1500-2000 times. 6, timely picking timely picking is an important guarantee to improve the quality of melon. The accuracy of judging from the appearance alone is not high when picking, picking prematurely is low, and the pulp is stiff; after picking, the sugar breaks down and the flesh softens. Therefore, after pollination should be marked, as the main basis for future picking, - generally 40 days after pollination picking, good quality, high sugar content, flavor is positive.

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