Demolition of agricultural machinery seven items of attention

1. Remove dirt and oil on the surface before disassembly and keep it clean during disassembly.

2. The construction principle of the disassembled machine or component should be ascertained so as to avoid disassembling the machine.

3, according to the need for dismantling, as few as possible dismantling, do not disassemble disassembly.

4. Use a suitable tool for disassembly. Do not bang it hard to avoid damage or deformation.

5, to disassemble in a reasonable order, usually from the attachment to the main part, from the outside to the inside, first disassemble the whole assembly, and then disassemble the assembly into parts, from the parts into parts.

6, to disassemble the assembly ready. In order to improve the assembly efficiency and ensure the correctness of the assembly, attention should be paid to the checking and marking of the disassembly.

7. After the parts are collected, they should be stored according to the nature of the materials and the precision of the parts.

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